What is it?

A masterclass that will guide you through exactly what you need to KNOW and DO to make consequences a powerful tool of change. It is time to know better, and do better. For us, and our students.

In this masterclass, 'Real Consequences, Real Change', you will be taught the 'nuts and bolts' strategies that are at the very core of a restorative, compassionate and life-changing approach to behaviour. By the end of RCRC, you will have the skills and confidence to address any challenging behaviour through Transformative Talks and other real consequences that authentically and meaningfully shift behaviour. It is time to know better, and do better. For us, and our students.

Course curriculum

    1. A big welcome from me (and a few little details)

    1. Watch the replay here

    1. Download your resources and student handbook here

    1. The Staffroom

About this course

  • £49.00
  • 4 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content